(more things to read)
Removing the dead comics from my old list, this seems a lot shorter than before...
- POKEY THE PENGUIN, the penguin who puts the YES in YES!!!!!!
Penny Arcade, just because.
Dinosaur Comics, which isn't just the same old grind every day.
Girl Genius, your daily recommended dose of Foglio.
- Sheldon, because newspapers couldn't hold him.
- xkcd: Yes, THAT xkcd.
- The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob: Many have tried explaining them. All have failed.
Bob the Angry Flower, where you get megalomania and Herman Polenta in the same comic.
- Awkward Zombie, now with much fewer WoW jokes!
- Bug Martini, for whatever bugs you.
- Mountain Time, riding the wave of justice.
And hey! Wanna link back to me? Well, feel free, but you're sort of on your own, since the only link images I came up with are way out of date by now. Maybe I'll make more someday.
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