(more things to read)
Removing the dead comics from my old list, this seems a lot shorter than before...
- POKEY THE PENGUIN, the penguin who puts the YES in YES!!!!!!
- Penny Arcade, just because.
- Dinosaur Comics, which isn't just the same old grind every day.
- Girl Genius, your daily recommended dose of Foglio.
- Sheldon, because newspapers couldn't hold him.
- xkcd: Yes, THAT xkcd.
- The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob: Many have tried explaining them. All have failed.
- Bob the Angry Flower, where you get megalomania and Herman Polenta in the same comic.
- Awkward Zombie, now with much fewer WoW jokes!
- Bug Martini, for whatever bugs you.
- Mountain Time, riding the wave of justice.
And hey! Wanna link back to me? Well, feel free, but you're sort of on your own, since the only link images I came up with are way out of date by now. Maybe I'll make more someday.
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