by Nicholas Killewald

Friday, October 4, 2024

As Janis proceeds elsewhere into her room, the talking rat that was in the room last time we were in Breznial pokes his head out from the decorative top of a nearby cabinet.  Having noticed that Janis has returned, he leaps down to the ground in her direction.

"Hey hey!", he exclaims.  "You're up late!  Did ya manage to get some food this time?"  Janis, who is removing an unassuming pile of clothing and/or fabric to reveal a false floor, sighs and responds, "Great.  You're nocturnal."

"Oh, I'm up at any time!", says the rat as he takes note of the flask Janis has uncorked and set on the ground nearby.  "Gotta be ready to pounce when someone's cooking something!"  Janis has pulled the false floor up, revealing a small hole, from which she extracts a concealed pickaxe as she grumbles back at the rat.

Having attracted his attention, the rat shoves his snout into the flask as he continues, "and then I heard you walking off at night, so I figured you were bringing back..."  He takes a quick sniff to try to identify the contents of the flask, immediately regretting it as the smell causes him to recoil in disgust.

"Sometimes I'm glad about a few things with you, rat," Janis says as she grabs the flask from him and applies some of it to a cloth.  "Like how you're clearly too stupid to go blabbing about me to everyone else in the castle."

"Aw, I could never do that!", the rat replies as he leaps in front of her and perches on a pile of fabric near the outer wall of the room.  "Everyone else here is mean!  They try to kill me as soon as they see me!"

Janis merely responds, "You're making me think they might finally be right about something.  Stop it."
Sep October 2024

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This comic and all material related to it are ©2002-2024 Nicholas Killewald, except where otherwise noted. Please do not redistribute without permission, which I might give if you ask nicely and aren't a jerkface.