by Nicholas Killewald

Friday, September 20, 2024

The hooded figure enters the darkened lab and glances around.  Strewn across long tables are various glass test tubes, some flasks, a large globe thingy, and other objects containing liquids and powders in various states of experiment, as well as a few pages of notes, piles of loose unidentified colorful powders, a lab notebook, and other magic things that add to a cluttered appearance, things the artist clearly spent too much time arranging in the scene and will likely avoid re-drawing again later if at all possible.  Along the wall are such things as a small table near the door in which the figure just entered, a cabinet with a few notes stuck to it, and a fire pit with still-glowing embers from the day's research.

The figure silently notes as much of this as is deemed relevant and pulls out a small set of notes.  Looking them over, the figure now stands before a set of shelves at the back of the lab containing many magic ingredients.  There is clearly work to do.
May September 2024 Oct

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This comic and all material related to it are ©2002-2024 Nicholas Killewald, except where otherwise noted. Please do not redistribute without permission, which I might give if you ask nicely and aren't a jerkface.