by Nicholas Killewald

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A guard walks the hallways outside the lab, arms behind his back, his footsteps breaking the silence of the night.  The hooded figure waits at the door to the lab, listening for said footsteps, holding two glass test tubes in anticipation of the right moment.

The moment is now.  The figure clinks the tubes together, making a very noticeable sound.  We cannot see the guard, but his footsteps stop suddenly at this noise.

The figure follows this up by moving a mortar and pestle across a table, producing a sliding noise.  The guard outside apparently remains silent at this, as no sound comes from the hallway.

Then the figure flips a few pages in a book, which further makes noise.  This is followed by a now hurried set of footsteps from the guard, running down the hallway.  The hooded figure regards this with a single thought: "Good."
May September 2024 Oct

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